Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /home/voddemo/public_html/genthumb/phpThumb.php on line 218
phpThumb() v1.7.13-201406261000

phpThumb() version          = 1.7.13-201406261000
phpversion()                = 7.4.33
PHP_OS                      = Linux
__FILE__                    = /home/voddemo/public_html/genthumb/phpthumb.class.php
realpath(.)                 = /home/voddemo/public_html/genthumb
$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]          = /genthumb/phpThumb.php
$_SERVER[HOST_NAME]         = 
$_SERVER[QUERY_STRING]      = src=/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg&wp=1920&hp=1080&wl=1920&hl=1080&zc=0
$_SERVER[PATH_INFO]         = 
$_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]     = /home/voddemo/public_html
getenv(DOCUMENT_ROOT)       = /home/voddemo/public_html

get_magic_quotes_gpc()         = FALSE
get_magic_quotes_runtime()     = FALSE
error_reporting()              = integer     32759
ini_get(error_reporting)       = string(5)   "32759"
ini_get(display_errors)        = string(1)   "1"
ini_get(allow_url_fopen)       = string(1)   "1"
ini_get(disable_functions)     = string(31)  "exec,shell_exec,passthru,system"
get_cfg_var(disable_functions) = string(0)   ""
ini_get(safe_mode)             = FALSE
ini_get(open_basedir)          = string(0)   ""
ini_get(max_execution_time)    = string(2)   "60"
ini_get(memory_limit)          = string(4)   "128M"
get_cfg_var(memory_limit)      = string(4)   "128M"
memory_get_usage()             = integer     429960

$this->config_prefer_imagemagick            = TRUE
$this->config_imagemagick_path              = NULL
$this->ImageMagickWhichConvert()            = 
[actual ImageMagick path used]              = string(0)   ""
file_exists([actual ImageMagick path used]) = FALSE
ImageMagickVersion(false)                   = 
ImageMagickVersion(true)                    = 

$this->config_cache_directory               = string(32)  "/home/voddemo/public_html/cache/"
$this->config_cache_directory_depth         = integer     2
$this->config_cache_disable_warning         = FALSE
$this->config_cache_maxage                  = integer     2592000
$this->config_cache_maxsize                 = integer     10485760
$this->config_cache_maxfiles                = integer     200
$this->config_cache_force_passthru          = TRUE
$this->cache_filename                       = string(150) "/home/voddemo/public_html/cache//2/2a/phpThumb_cache_movieitaly.net__src2a976b5fb482989243a377275867982d_par3eb0fa5eb27056ff6528ea13be547c14_dat0.jpeg"
is_readable($this->config_cache_directory)  = TRUE
is_writable($this->config_cache_directory)  = TRUE
is_readable($this->cache_filename)          = FALSE
is_writable($this->cache_filename)          = n/a

$this->config_document_root                  = string(25)  "/home/voddemo/public_html"
$this->config_temp_directory                 = string(32)  "/home/voddemo/public_html/cache/"
$this->config_output_format                  = string(4)   "jpeg"
$this->config_output_maxwidth                = integer     0
$this->config_output_maxheight               = integer     0
$this->config_error_message_image_default    = string(0)   ""
$this->config_error_bgcolor                  = string(6)   "CCCCFF"
$this->config_error_textcolor                = string(6)   "FF0000"
$this->config_error_fontsize                 = integer     1
$this->config_error_die_on_error             = TRUE
$this->config_error_silent_die_on_error      = FALSE
$this->config_error_die_on_source_failure    = TRUE
$this->config_nohotlink_enabled              = TRUE
$this->config_nohotlink_valid_domains        = array(1) {   [0]=>   string(14) "" } 
$this->config_nohotlink_erase_image          = TRUE
$this->config_nohotlink_text_message         = string(38)  "Off-server thumbnailing is not allowed"
$this->config_nooffsitelink_enabled          = TRUE
$this->config_nooffsitelink_valid_domains    = array(1) {   [0]=>   string(14) "" } 
$this->config_nooffsitelink_require_refer    = FALSE
$this->config_nooffsitelink_erase_image      = FALSE
$this->config_nooffsitelink_text_message     = string(31)  "Image taken from"
$this->config_high_security_enabled          = FALSE
$this->config_allow_src_above_docroot        = FALSE
$this->config_allow_src_above_phpthumb       = TRUE
$this->config_max_source_pixels              = float       22369621
$this->config_use_exif_thumbnail_for_speed   = FALSE
$this->config_border_hexcolor                = string(6)   "000000"
$this->config_background_hexcolor            = string(6)   "FFFFFF"
$this->config_ttf_directory                  = string(40)  "/home/voddemo/public_html/genthumb/fonts"
$this->config_disable_pathinfo_parsing       = TRUE
$this->config_disable_imagecopyresampled     = FALSE

$this->phpThumbDebug               = integer     9
$this->thumbnailQuality            = integer     75
$this->thumbnailFormat             = string(4)   "jpeg"
$this->gdimg_output                = NULL
$this->gdimg_source                = FALSE
$this->sourceFilename              = string(58)  "/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg"
$this->source_width                = NULL
$this->source_height               = NULL
$this->thumbnailCropX              = NULL
$this->thumbnailCropY              = NULL
$this->thumbnailCropW              = NULL
$this->thumbnailCropH              = NULL
$this->exif_thumbnail_width        = NULL
$this->exif_thumbnail_height       = NULL
$this->exif_thumbnail_type         = NULL
$this->thumbnail_width             = NULL
$this->thumbnail_height            = NULL
$this->thumbnail_image_width       = NULL
$this->thumbnail_image_height      = NULL
strlen($this->rawImageData)        = 0
strlen($this->exif_thumbnail_data) = 0

$this->src  = string(58)  "/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg"
$this->new  = NULL
$this->w    = string(4)   "1920"
$this->h    = string(4)   "1080"
$this->f    = string(0)   ""
$this->q    = integer     75
$this->sx   = NULL
$this->sy   = NULL
$this->sw   = NULL
$this->sh   = NULL
$this->far  = NULL
$this->bg   = NULL
$this->bc   = NULL
$this->file = NULL
$this->goto = NULL
$this->err  = NULL
$this->xto  = NULL
$this->ra   = NULL
$this->ar   = NULL
$this->aoe  = NULL
$this->iar  = NULL
$this->maxb = NULL

builtin_function_exists(exif_thumbnail)          = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(gd_info)                 = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(image_type_to_mime_type) = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(GetImageSize)            = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCopyResampled)      = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCopyResized)        = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCreate)             = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCreateFromString)   = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCreateTrueColor)    = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageIsTrueColor)        = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageRotate)             = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageTypes)              = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(version_compare)         = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCreateFromGIF)      = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCreateFromJPEG)     = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCreateFromPNG)      = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCreateFromWBMP)     = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCreateFromXBM)      = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCreateFromXPM)      = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCreateFromString)   = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCreateFromGD)       = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCreateFromGD2)      = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageCreateFromGD2Part)  = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageJPEG)               = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageGIF)                = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImagePNG)                = TRUE
builtin_function_exists(ImageWBMP)               = TRUE

gd_info.GD Version                         = string(26)  "bundled (2.1.0 compatible)"
gd_info.FreeType Support                   = TRUE
gd_info.FreeType Linkage                   = string(13)  "with freetype"
gd_info.GIF Read Support                   = TRUE
gd_info.GIF Create Support                 = TRUE
gd_info.JPEG Support                       = TRUE
gd_info.PNG Support                        = TRUE
gd_info.WBMP Support                       = TRUE
gd_info.XPM Support                        = TRUE
gd_info.XBM Support                        = TRUE
gd_info.WebP Support                       = TRUE
gd_info.BMP Support                        = TRUE
gd_info.TGA Read Support                   = TRUE
gd_info.JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support   = FALSE

exif_info.EXIF Support               = string(7)   "enabled"
exif_info.EXIF Version               = string(0)   ""
exif_info.Supported EXIF Version     = string(4)   "0220"
exif_info.Supported filetypes        = string(10)  "JPEG, TIFF"

ApacheLookupURIarray() -- FAILED

$_GET[src]                           = string(33)  "/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg"
$_GET[wp]                            = string(4)   "1920"
$_GET[hp]                            = string(4)   "1080"
$_GET[wl]                            = string(4)   "1920"
$_GET[hl]                            = string(4)   "1080"
$_GET[zc]                            = string(1)   "0"
$_GET[phpThumbDebug]                 = integer     9

  * phpThumb() v1.7.13-201406261000 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 220
  * setParameter(config_document_root, string(25)  "/home/voddemo/public_html") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_high_security_enabled, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_high_security_url_separator, string(1)   "&") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_disable_debug, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_allow_src_above_docroot, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_allow_src_above_phpthumb, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_auto_allow_symlinks, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_additional_allowed_dirs, array(0) { } ) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_cache_directory, string(32)  "/home/voddemo/public_html/cache/") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_cache_disable_warning, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_cache_directory_depth, integer     2) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_cache_maxage, integer     2592000) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_cache_maxsize, integer     10485760) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_cache_maxfiles, integer     200) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_cache_source_enabled, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_cache_source_directory, string(48)  "/home/voddemo/public_html/genthumb/cache/source/") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_cache_source_filemtime_ignore_local, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_cache_source_filemtime_ignore_remote, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_cache_default_only_suffix, string(0)   "") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_cache_prefix, string(30)  "phpThumb_cache_movieitaly.net_") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_cache_force_passthru, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_temp_directory, string(32)  "/home/voddemo/public_html/cache/") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_prefer_imagemagick, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_imagemagick_use_thumbnail, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_imagemagick_path, NULL) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_max_source_pixels, float       22369621) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_output_format, string(4)   "jpeg") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_output_maxwidth, integer     0) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_output_maxheight, integer     0) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_output_interlace, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_error_image_width, integer     400) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_error_image_height, integer     100) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_error_message_image_default, string(0)   "") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_error_bgcolor, string(6)   "CCCCFF") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_error_textcolor, string(6)   "FF0000") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_error_fontsize, integer     1) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_error_die_on_error, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_error_silent_die_on_error, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_error_die_on_source_failure, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_nohotlink_enabled, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_nohotlink_valid_domains, array(1) {   [0]=>   string(14) "" } ) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_nohotlink_erase_image, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_nohotlink_text_message, string(38)  "Off-server thumbnailing is not allowed") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_nooffsitelink_enabled, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_nooffsitelink_valid_domains, array(1) {   [0]=>   string(14) "" } ) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_nooffsitelink_require_refer, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_nooffsitelink_erase_image, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_nooffsitelink_watermark_src, string(26)  "/demo/images/watermark.png") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_nooffsitelink_text_message, string(31)  "Image taken from") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_border_hexcolor, string(6)   "000000") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_background_hexcolor, string(6)   "FFFFFF") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_ttf_directory, string(40)  "/home/voddemo/public_html/genthumb/fonts") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_http_user_agent, string(103) "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_disable_pathinfo_parsing, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_disable_imagecopyresampled, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_disable_onlycreateable_passthru, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_http_fopen_timeout, integer     10) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_http_follow_redirect, TRUE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_allow_local_http_src, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(config_use_exif_thumbnail_for_speed, FALSE) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 152
  * setParameter(src, string(33)  "/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 329
  * ResolveFilenameToAbsolute() prepending $this->config_document_root (/home/voddemo/public_html) to $filename (/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg) resulting in ($AbsoluteFilename = "/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg") in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1219
  * resolvePath: /home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg (allowed_dirs: Array
) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1096
  * resolvePath: iteration, path=/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg, base path = /home/voddemo/public_html in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1115
  * open_basedir: "" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1082
  * resolvePath: stop at component 7 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1131
  * resolvePath: stop at path=/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1134
  * resolvePath: path parsed, over in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1140
  * setSourceFilename(/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg) set $this->sourceFilename to "/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 271
  * setParameter(wp, string(4)   "1920") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 329
  * setParameter(hp, string(4)   "1080") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 329
  * setParameter(wl, string(4)   "1920") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 329
  * setParameter(hl, string(4)   "1080") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 329
  * setParameter(zc, string(1)   "0") in file "phpThumb.php" on line 329
  * setParameter(phpThumbDebug, integer     9) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 329
  * $CanPassThroughDirectly=false because !@is_readable(/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 376
  * $CanPassThroughDirectly=false because $_GET[wp;hp;wl;hl;zc] are set in file "phpThumb.php" on line 410
  * $CanPassThroughDirectly="0" && $phpThumb->src="/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg" in file "phpThumb.php" on line 421
  * $AvailableImageOutputFormats = array(text;ico;bmp;wbmp;gif;png;jpeg) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 925
  * $this->thumbnailFormat set to $this->config_output_format "jpeg" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 936
  * $this->thumbnailQuality set to "75" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 953
  * SetCacheFilename() _src set from md5($this->sourceFilename) "/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg" = "2a976b5fb482989243a377275867982d" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3443
  * SetCacheFilename() _par set from md5(_wl1920_wp1920_hp1080_dpi150_q75) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3476
  * Cached file "/home/voddemo/public_html/cache//2/2a/phpThumb_cache_movieitaly.net__src2a976b5fb482989243a377275867982d_par3eb0fa5eb27056ff6528ea13be547c14_dat0.jpeg" does not exist, processing as normal in file "phpThumb.php" on line 511
  * ResolveFilenameToAbsolute() NOT prepending $this->config_document_root (/home/voddemo/public_html) to $filename (/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg) resulting in ($AbsoluteFilename = "/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg") in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1216
  * resolvePath: /home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg (allowed_dirs: Array
) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1096
  * resolvePath: iteration, path=/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg, base path = /home/voddemo/public_html in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1115
  * resolvePath: stop at component 7 in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1131
  * resolvePath: stop at path=/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1134
  * resolvePath: path parsed, over in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1140
  * $this->sourceFilename set to "/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 849
  * phpThumb() v1.7.13-201406261000

"/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg" does not exist in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 4050
  * $this->cache_filename already set, skipping SetCacheFilename() in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3398
  * starting ExtractEXIFgetImageSize() in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3236
  * GetImageSize(/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg) says image is x in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3246
  * GetImageSize("/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg") failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3279
  * $this->useRawIMoutput=true after checking $UnAllowedParameters in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 1508
  * ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() aborting because ImageMagickCommandlineBase() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 2203
  * ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3286
  * SetOrientationDependantWidthHeight() starting with ""x"" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3215
  * SetOrientationDependantWidthHeight() setting w="1920", h="1080" in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3231
  * EXIF thumbnail extraction: (size=0; type=""; 0x0) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3343
  * starting SourceImageToGD() in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3603
  * starting ImageCreateFromFilename(/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3518
  * empty $filename or GetImageSize(/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg) failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3567
  * Populating $rawimagedata in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3575
  * cannot fopen(/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3586
  * Not using EXIF thumbnail data because $this->exif_thumbnail_data is empty in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3674
  * $this->gdimg_source is still empty in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3726
  * ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 3728
  * phpThumb() v1.7.13-201406261000

failed to open "/home/voddemo/public_html/uploads/images/5bf43deb26bc6.jpg" SourceImageToGD() [3832] in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 4050
  * SourceImageToGD() failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 351
  * CleanUpCacheDirectory() set to purge (30.0 days; 10.00 MB; 200 files) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 667
  * CleanUpCacheDirectory() skipped because $CacheDirOldFilesSize is empty (phpthumb_functions::GetAllFilesInSubfolders(/home/voddemo/public_html/cache/) found no files) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 700
  * RenderOutput() failed because !is_resource($this->gdimg_output) in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 425
  * RenderOutput [jpeg(/home/voddemo/public_html/cache//2/2a/phpThumb_cache_movieitaly.net__src2a976b5fb482989243a377275867982d_par3eb0fa5eb27056ff6528ea13be547c14_dat0.jpeg)] failed in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 561
  * Failed: RenderToFile(/home/voddemo/public_html/cache//2/2a/phpThumb_cache_movieitaly.net__src2a976b5fb482989243a377275867982d_par3eb0fa5eb27056ff6528ea13be547c14_dat0.jpeg) in file "phpThumb.php" on line 611

  * 1718715900.212383 : phpThumb() constructor in file "phpthumb.class.php" on line 219
  * 1718715900.212230 : phpThumb.php start in file "phpThumb.php" on line 119
  * 1718715900.213376 : phpThumbDebug[0] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 211
  * 1718715900.217253 : phpThumbDebug[1] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 267
  * 1718715900.217319 : phpThumbDebug[2] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 314
  * 1718715900.217531 : phpThumbDebug[3] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 348
  * 1718715900.217622 : phpThumbDebug[4] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 415
  * 1718715900.217638 : phpThumbDebug[5] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 500
  * 1718715900.217917 : phpThumbDebug[6] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 516
  * 1718715900.218013 : phpThumbDebug[7] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 581
  * 1718715900.218802 : phpThumbDebug[8] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 591
  * 1718715900.450033 : phpThumbDebug[9] in file "phpThumb.php" on line 624
  * Total processing time: 0.237803